780-413-9660 [email protected]

As the world’s largest developer and producer of large format imaging solutions, Contex leads the market with innovative technology and advanced scan and copy software applications.



Contex IQ4400 series

IQ Quattro X

36″ and 44″ Scanners

Contex IQ4400 series

Contex HD Ultra X Series

36″, 42″ and 60″ Scanners

Contex SD3600

SD One MF Scanner

24″, 36″ and 42″ Scanners

Contex Ultra HD Scanner


24″ and 36″ Scanners

Contex 5450HD Scanner

IQ Flex

18″ x 24″ Flat Bed Scanner

Contex HD iFlex

HD Apeiron

42″ Contact-Free Art Scanner